Icon: Clean Energy

A Better Way is Abundant Clean Energy

You know what’s rich? Billionaire oil companies hiking up energy prices to boost their profits.

There IS a better way: Abundant clean energy and independence from greedy oil companies.

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Chart: Shows oil prices going up, up, up.

Don’t be fooled.

Oil companies are driving up energy prices to boost their profits and trying to shift blame to California. These greedy corporations are pushing a fossil fuel agenda that is burdening families with higher rates while increasing pollution.

There’s a better way.

Here’s the truth: California’s abundant clean energy, like solar and wind, can never run out. These resources will lower energy bills and stabilize rates over time while creating energy independence. These innovations don’t just promise a brighter and more affordable future—they’re delivering it today.

Join us.

Don’t be misled by billionaire corporations pushing an agenda to boost profits. Real energy independence comes from reducing our reliance on fossil fuels, not finding new ways to burn them. By choosing clean energy, we can lower rates for families, create more local jobs, and protect our environment for future generations.